The Power of Mentoring
Mentoring plays a crucial role in shaping Michigan's future workforce, offering individuals the guidance, support, and resources needed to navigate their career paths successfully. Across the state, Michigan Works! programs are stepping up to provide mentoring opportunities that help job seekers, students, and emerging professionals gain the skills and confidence they need to thrive. With March designated as Mentoring Month, it's the perfect time to spotlight these programs and the impact of mentorship on our communities.
Celebrating Career and Technical Education Month: Bridging Talent and Opportunity
Every February, we celebrate Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month, a time dedicated to recognizing the importance of CTE programs and the impact they have on Michigan’s workforce.
Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week: Building Michigan’s Workforce of Tomorrow
As we celebrate the 10th annual National Apprenticeship Week from November 17-23, it’s a perfect time to recognize the impact that apprenticeships have on Michigan’s workforce.
Honoring Our Veterans Through Workforce Support
As Veterans Day approaches, it’s a time to reflect on the sacrifices our servicemen and women have made for our country. But honoring veterans goes beyond ceremonies and speeches—it means taking real action to support them as they transition back to civilian life.
The Importance of Participating in National Disability Employment Awareness Month
At Michigan Works! Association, we believe that creating a diverse and inclusive workforce is vital to the success of our communities and businesses. One of the key aspects of this inclusivity is ensuring that individuals with disabilities are not just included, but empowered to thrive in the workplace.
Reflecting on a Successful Michigan Works! Annual Conference
As we wrap up an incredible week at the Michigan Works! Annual Conference in Traverse City, I want to take a moment to reflect on the success of this event and express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who made it possible.
Celebrating Youth Employment Month in Michigan
June is Youth Employment Month, a dedicated time to celebrate the achievements and potential of Michigan’s youngest workers.
Boosting Michigan's Workforce
Since 2014, Michigan’s Going PRO Talent Fund has helped tens of thousands of workers and businesses harmonize to strengthen our state’s economy. Now’s the time for our lawmakers to push this initiative forward still further, by adding $20 million to existing Going PRO resources in FY 2025.
Impact Awards 2024: Celebrating Michigan’s amazing workforce development achievements
The annual Michigan Works! Impact Awards were held recently in Heritage Hall at the Michigan State Capitol. Every year we gather for this event to highlight the efforts of employees, organizations, and our very own Michigan Works! agency staff who contribute to the success of the lives of Michiganders.
Celebrating the women leaders across the Michigan Works! system who are pulling others up behind them
Women’s History Month is the acknowledgment and celebration of contributions women have made over time, both in the workplace and to our culture. It’s a chance to reflect on women who lead the way for change.
Q&A with Stiegler EdTech Co-Founder & COO Pasha Maher
Ryan Hundt, CEO of the Michigan Works! Association, had a chance to connect with Stiegler EdTech founding partner and COO, Pasha Maher, as the organization plans for a spring launch of its cohort in Detroit.
Interview with BASF HR Specialist Gabriel McDonald
Ryan Hunt, CEO, Michigan Works! Association was recently able to sit down with Gabriel McDonald with BASF Corporation to learn more about how his company views Registered Apprenticeships, and how he continues to utilize the expertise of the Michigan Works! network to support his workforce goals.
Q&A with Michigan Works! West Central’s Executive Director Shelly Keene
Michigan Works! Association CEO Ryan Hundt recently sat down with Michigan Works! West Central’s Executive Directory Shelly Keene to learn more about the integral role her organization played in the company’s ultimate decision to locate the project in Big Rapids.
Advancing a New Normal
As a society we are using terms like post-pandemic and now that things are normal. We use these phrases to celebrate our physical and emotional survival of the pandemic. However, the economy and operational environment for the hospitality industry has not survived, in fact, the current situation is extremely challenging.
June is Youth Employment Month
As much as we talk about the labor force participation rate in today’s worker-friendly labor market, the good news is that almost all young adults – 98.6 percent – hold at least one job between the ages of 18 to 25.
December is Career Exploration and Awareness Month
To recognize the state’s urgent and growing need for talent and the programs and services in place to help engage residents in employment, training, and educational opportunities, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer proclaimed December Career Exploration and Awareness Month.