The Michigan Works! Association offers unique, high-profile sponsorship opportunities to fit any budget.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, the Michigan Works! Association benefits from strong partnerships in communities across our state. From face-to-face interaction to communications and new marketing opportunities, your organization will increase its visibility while supporting Michigan Works!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Your organization can be one click away from Michigan’s most active and comprehensive workforce resource site. The Association website boasts an average of nearly 60,000 unique visitors per month.
Homepage Advertisement*
Sold exclusively with no other banners featured on the homepage. Your organization can be showcased on the homepage with a direct link to your website.
3 months - $3,100
6 months - $5,600
9 months - $7,400
12 months - $8,500
Internal Web Page Advertisement*
Reach extensive audiences by placing an advertisement on two internal pages of your choice, some exclusions apply. Your ad will link directly to your organization’s website. A maximum number of two ads per page can appear on the Association’s site.
3 months - $675
6 months - $1,200
9 months - $1,500
12 months - $1,800
* Non-animated files only. The Michigan Works! Association does not allow fluorescent colors or otherwise distracting ads. All artwork subject to approval and must be complimentary to site design.
Image Ad:
Acceptable file types: JPEG or PNG
Size: 500 KB or smaller
Acceptable file types: JPEG or PNG
Size: 500 KB or larger
Social Media Outreach
Reach thousands of social media users by showcasing your organization’s messages on the Association’s social media channels. This opportunity allows organizations to share up to two (2) recurring social media messages each week. Social media posts can be shared on the Association’s Twitter, Facebook and/or LinkedIn accounts, depending on the type of message.
1 month - $400
3 months - $1,000
6 months - $1,800
Social media messages are limited to 250 characters. Each message will indicate that the post is sponsored. All social media artwork is subject to approval.
Connect with a targeted, focused, statewide audience of workforce development professionals.
Webinars and Classroom Training
Logo displayed during training, mention of sponsorship on all marketing materials and up to 2 pages of materials shared electronically - $250
30 second commercial to play before and after training - $500
Business Solutions Professional Training
Logo displayed during training, mention of sponsorship on all marketing materials and up to 2 pages of materials shared electronically - $250
30 second commercial to play before and after training - $500
Electronic Training Newsletter
Emailed monthly to those who currently and previously participated in trainings hosted by the Michigan Works! Association. Logo will appear in the newsletter with link to website.
• Quarterly (3 newsletters) - $325
• Annually (12 newsletters) - $1,000
Official Partner
An agreement between the Association and an individual or nonprofit to jointly promote each other's products or events. Each agreement to be customized per partner. Contact mwassociation@michiganworks.org for more information.
Sponsor Our Events
Michigan Works! Annual Conference Sponsorship
Come be a part of Michigan’s largest workforce conference and make the connections you need to drive your business forward. We offer sponsors and exhibitors a variety of ways to interact with attendees before, during and after the event.
Impact Awards Sponsorship
Impact Awards honor those who have contributed to strengthening Michigan’s economy by actively creating jobs and developing fresh talent in their communities. Showcase your organization and connect with leaders in Michigan’s workforce industry by sponsoring this event.
Don't see the opportunity you're looking for? Contact Kimberly Way to discuss customizing a sponsorship opportunity that's right for you.