Present at the 2025 Michigan Works! Annual Conference!
Do you have something unique, creative, innovative or informative to say about today's trending workforce development topics? We want to hear from you!
All presentation proposals must be submitted ONLINE ONLY by Friday, April 18, 2025.
There is no limit to the number of presentations you can submit. To submit additional presentation proposals, please begin a new form.
Notification of acceptance will be sent via email in May 2025.
The Michigan Works! Annual Conference is one of the largest gatherings of workforce development professionals - dedicated to the latest strategic approaches, tools and technologies.
40+ sessions | 80+ subject matter experts | 800+ colleagues | unlimited possibilities
September 7-9, 2025
Radisson Plaza Hotel
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Two proposal categories are available:
Workshops: Be recognized as an industry leader. Share your knowledge. You’ve Got 60 Minutes to Shine.
Fast-Track Sessions - 10 Takeaways in 20 Minutes: David Letterman might have retired, but we're still delivering the Top Ten! We're looking for ten (10) takeaways in 20 minutes.
We suggest that you first collect your thoughts for your proposal before using our online form. Session and workshop proposals require clear and concise titles, succinct and persuasive descriptions, and well-thought-out learning objectives/takeaways. Below are the key conference topics that will be focused on during the conference. Keep these in mind when submitting your proposal:
Anticipating Industry Trends: Understanding emerging industries and job market trends. Exploring the potential of sustainable practices and green industries.
Reskilling and Upskilling: Preparing the workforce for new roles through continuous learning. Leveraging AI, automation, and other technologies in workforce development.
Building Workplace Belonging: Empowering workplaces that reflect and embrace culture and unity.
Innovative Workforce Solutions: Creative approaches to bridging the skills gap and meeting employer needs.
Global Workforce Integration: Preparing for global collaboration and competition.
Work-Life Balance: Promoting well-being and productivity in a hybrid work environment.
We strive to offer unique and interactive workshops that engage attendees. Preference will be given to presentation proposals that highlight new, innovative efforts in workforce development – as well as those that use non-traditional approaches to enhance attendee learning. Our theme this year is "Navigating the Future: Empowering Michigan's Workforce for Tomorrow," so proposals that showcase anticipate future trends, adapt to changing environments, and harness innovative solutions will be given preference.
Questions? Contact Emma Harbaugh at HarbaughE@michiganworks.org.