Apprentice Success Story

Jenny Post, V.P. of Assisted Living Services at the Health Care Association of Michigan (HCAM), expressed interest in creating a formalized training program for the position of Director of Assisted Living Facilities. Up to that point, there had not existed among HCAM members a consistent method to train individuals to move into these positions at their various locations. It was proposed by CAMW! Business Services staff that creating a Registered Apprenticeship for this occupation would result in a formalized and repeatable training program that could help ensure successful outcomes.

Business Services staff, including the Apprenticeship Success Coordinator, met with HCAM several times over the course of the next year to create a draft version of the training plan, or Work Process Schedule. Jenny identified the on-the-job competencies that would need to be learned by apprentices, as well as the classroom training that would need to be part of the program.

These were written into the Work Process Schedule, with guidance provided by the Apprenticeship Success Coordinator. When the draft was complete, the ASC reached out to the U.S. Department of Labor representative for a review of the Work Process Schedule. After suggested edits were made, the program was officially registered.

Developing an RAP for this position was a challenge from the very beginning, as the occupation did not already exist in the database of registered programs at the USDOL. Because of this, an existing program needed to be customized to meet the training needs of this sponsor to-be. This process can take longer than the traditional program development process, as extensive customization is needed to the Work Process Schedule in order to align it with the training needs of the position.

The program is off to a great start, with 5 apprentices currently registered. In addition, CAMW! is leveraging workforce and apprenticeship expansion funding from several sources to help offset the costs of HCAM’s apprenticeship training.

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