Jacob Maas

Chief Executive Officer, West Michigan Works!

Jacob Maas is the Chief Executive Officer of West Michigan Works! (WMW), the workforce development agency for Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon and Ottawa counties. With over 18 years of experience in the public sector—six as CEO of the WMW—Maas is committed to creating systems that meet the needs of communities and to providing a demand and data-driven direction for region’s talent development efforts. 

As CEO, Maas played an integral role in the 2015 merger of four Michigan Works! agencies to become WMW. The agency is focused on recognizing and valuing the unique needs of a region that serves both urban and rural communities; start-ups and major corporations; and a diverse job-seeker population.  

West Michigan Works! is a trusted resource for the state when it is redesigning or launching programs and for like-minded organizations and partnerships; it regularly shares its innovative practices through local, state and federal conferences, podcasts and webinars. Maas credits this focus on leadership and innovation for the workforce board’s 2015 Board of Excellence Award from the Michigan Works! Association and the 2019 WIOA Trailblazer Award from the National Association of Workforce Boards.  

Maas is a graduate of Hope College and resident of Grand Rapids. He continues to be active at the local, state, and federal level with workforce initiatives.