David Darbyshire Cyb Llings - Revitalize-IT Photo .JPG

David Darbyshire

Co-Owner / Engineer, Cyb Llings, Inc., Revitalize-IT, IncUversity

David Darbyshire leads market development for Cyb Llings, IncIncUversity and Revitalize-IT serving as the company spokesman and Chief Innovation Officer. He has a passion for bringing the latest technologies to emerging sectors industries to create thriving communities in support of workforce and economic development. 

Darbyshire earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree from Lawrence Technological University, remaining active in the Alumni Association and LTU Centrepolis Business Accelerator. Darbyshire volunteers in business and educational trade associations such as Automation Alley, Jackson Area Manufacturers Association (JAMA), National Defense Industry Association (NDIA), Aerospace Industry Association of Michigan, Society of Manufacturing Engineers SME, and American Society of Body Engineers ASBE Foundation. He demonstrates a passion for STEM Education by serving on the Michigan Steering Committee.

Some of Darbyshire’s achievements include:

  • Automation Alley's Member of the Year in 2007; previously served as a member of the Board of Directors. 

  • Oakland County Michigan Works! Board of Directors; supporting programs focused on professional apprenticeship, MiCareer Quest and National Manufacturing Day.  

  • In 2014 DASI Solutions was honored by Governor Snyder as one being of “Michigan’s 50 Companies to Watch.” Successfully sold SolidWorks business unit of DASI in August 2019. 

  • Main Street Pontiac Board Member representing Mayor’s Office. 

  • The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International; Paul Harris Fellow Award May 2016 representing Pontiac Rotary.